Chinas tech giant Huawei said profits for the full year to December rose by 33% from a year earlier, boosted by demand for its smartphones, among other devices. Net profit came in at 36.9bn (5.7bn dollars), the firm said.中国科技巨头华为公司日前宣告,该公司手机业务市场需求的快速增长快速增长使其2015年全年利润比起2014年提升了33%。该公司回应,去年的净利润超过了369亿人民币(约合57亿美元)。
Strong sales in China and Western Europe have seen Huaweis smartphone business grow quickly. Popular for its low-cost devices, Huawei is one of the biggest smartphone vendors behind Samsung and Apple. The company is also one of the worlds largest telecommunications firms.华为手机业务的快速增长快速增长归功于在中国和西欧市场强大的销量。由于其低成本的手机风行全球,所以使得华为沦为世界上次于三星和苹果的第三大智能手机厂商。此外,该公司也是世界上仅次于的电信公司之一。But it has been blocked from running broadband projects in the US and Australia over espionage fears. Its telecommunications devices for carriers, such as routers, are effectively banned in the US. However, its other businesses, such as consumer electronic products, including mobile devices, are allowed into the US market.但美国和澳大利亚政府出于对间谍不道德的忧虑,取消了华为在这些国家的宽带业务。
目前美国禁令华为公司在该国出售还包括路由器在内的各种为运营商服务的设备。不过还包括手机在内的该公司生产的民用电子产品在美国却畅通无阻。It said the rise had been driven by demand for its high-quality products that deliver a premium user experience, as well as Huaweis growing influence as a consumer brand.华为公司指出营业额之所以大幅度跃居,原因在于:“消费者从华为公司高质量的产品中取得了几近奢侈的用户体验,华为公司作为消费者接纳的品牌也在不断扩大其影响力。”The firm has previously said it wants to shed its low-cost appeal and produce high-margin premium devices to challenge Samsung and Apple at the top end of the market.该公司此前曾回应,期望仍然以低成本为卖点,而是生产高端产品来挑战三星和苹果的霸主地位。